In addition to establishing the general mechanism of reading and writing values, a set of predefined guest properties is automatically maintained by the Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions to allow for retrieving interesting guest data such as the guest's exact operating system and service pack level, the installed version of the Guest Additions, users that are currently logged into the guest OS, network statistics and more. These predefined properties are all prefixed with /VirtualBox/ and organized into a hierarchical tree of keys.
Get the disc the likes of here: Try to make sure the disc has Service Pack 3, like the one I showed, it will speed things up however if you can get a cheap one without service pack 3 also get that.
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 Unattended Edition UE 7
Download File:
If you don't have service pack 3 then select service pack slipstream. Slipstream Service Pack 2 and then Service Pack 3 or just Service Pack 3 if you already have Service Pack 2. Finish as appropriate and open up nlite.
Security patches come with hotfix.exe, hotfix.inf, and the replacement files. hotfix.exe installs the patch, and hotfix.inf contains instructions for modifying registry settings and other files. You might need to delete the hotfix.* files when using nonmanual methods to perform an update. In addition, the manual installation checks for the service pack status of the local machine and the language it uses, and it warns the user. Automated installations may not perform these functions. You need to pay special attention to instructions for automated hotfix application.
en is the language version of the hotfix. You should always examine and interpret the hotfix name before applying a hotfix. Applying or attempting to apply a hotfix to the wrong computer, with the service pack level, or with some other mismatch could result in undesirable effects. For more information, see the section "Troubleshooting the Deployment of Service Packs and Updates," later in this chapter.
Group policy software can be used to push service pack installations toexisting client computers. An update.msi file is necessary for this. Itwas necessary to download the update.msi file for Service Pack 1; thisfile can be found in an expanded Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3 executable. Toexpand the service pack, you use the following command:
Modify the default method to enable the option Uninstall This Applicationwhen It Falls Out of the Scope of Management. This allows the uninstallation ofthe service pack by moving the computer from this OU.
Importing the package definition file for the service pack—Apackage definition file is a specially formatted file that contains theinformation necessary to create the SMS package. When you import this file, SMScreates the package automatically. The package file can then be modified for thespecific installation.
Providing the path to the service pack source files—One ofthe modifications to the package file must be pointing SMS to the location forthe intended installation files. Service pack files should be copied to theirown network distribution share (for example, using xcopy D:\ e:\w2ksp2.exe/x) and then extracted (using w2ksp2.exe /x).
Creating the advertisement to notify SMS clients about the servicepack—The advertisement is the offer to the clients to let them knowthat the package is available. SMS allows you to select some or all clients toadvertise the package to.
Slipstreaming is the process of adding service pack files to thecontents of an accessible I386 folder that contains the same contentsas the I386 folder from the original Windows installation CD-ROM. Theupdated I386 folder can reside on the computer's hard disk (thisis not recommended) or on a network distribution share, or it can be burned ontoa bootable CD-ROM. Windows 2000 computers installed from the updated folderalready have the service pack installed, provided that the updates areincorporated into the delivery point.
If the path to the service pack update.exe isD:\I386\update\update.exe (as it might be if you had the Windows 2000installation CD-ROM in the D: drive) and the installation share isC:\I386, then this is the command you use for slipstreaming:
When you use svcpack.inf to install hotfixes during Windows installation, you can use the Windows 2000 integrated (that is, Windows 2000 and service pack) installation CD-ROM to install the post–service pack hotfixes. To do so, you follow these steps:
Exam 70-214 does not cover RIS basics. You do need to thoroughly understandthe RIS process, including how to set it up, make it work, and troubleshootnetwork and configuration issues. However, Exam 70-214 concentrates on how RIScan be used to install a Windows computer with the relevant service pack andhotfixes.
You might want to evaluate whether the time needed to keep the unattendedinstallation file up-to-date and the RIS server updated with currentpost–service pack fixes is necessary depending on your current patchingstrategy. Although it is desirable to have each newly installed computer jointhe production network thoroughly up-to-date, if your patching processautomatically and regularly scans network computers, determines patch status,and applies patches, then this might be sufficient in your environment. Youshould carefully assess the risk and determine the best security practice foryour organization.
The client software must also be installed (or obtained by installing theappropriate service pack: Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 or Windows XP Service Pack1) on each client computer. Client installation and configuration consists ofthe following:
Just as SMS can be used to deploy a service pack or install software, the SUSFeature Pack can be used to audit, distribute, track, and manage patching ofWindows systems. The Feature Pack requires SMS 2.0 (Service Pack 4 isrecommended, but the SMS SUS Feature Pack also supports Service Pack 3).
(2) To use the MySQL Daemon with "innodb" for better performance,please edit the "my" (or "my.cnf") file in the /xampplite/mysql/bin directory or for services the c:\my.cnf for windows NT/2000/XP. In that director, activate the
There are various pieces of software that you can use to assist you increating a slipstream CD. Here, I'm going to cover the steps you can takeusing nLite, a deployment tool for creating bootable unattended windows installation CDs. The instructionswere written for nLite version; other versions will likely require similar steps.
First you need to download the latest service pack for your operatingsystem. Currently that is Windows XP Service Pack 3 Network Installation Package for IT Professionals and Developers. You also need to downloadnLite and install it on the system you will use to create the slipstream CD.
Click on OK and you will then be prompted to browseto a folder where the installation files from the CD will be saved.That folder will be updated with the service pack files.Click on New Folder to create a new folder for storingthose files, e.g. you could create c:\XP.You will need enough free space on the destination hold the contents of the installation CD, e.g. about 604 MBfor Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2.
When the contents of the installation CD have been copiedto the destination location, nLite will inform you of theversion and service pack level for the version of Windows youhave copied from the installation CD.
If you had not already downloaded the latest service packfor your version of Windows, there are "official service packonline locations" links on this window for Windows 2000, XP,and 2003. Clicking on one of those would open a browser windowwhere you could download the latest service pack for youroperating sysem.
When you click on the Select button to selectthe service pack files location, you may see a warningstating "Previous Hotfixes have been detected. You won'tbe able to Slipstream new Hotfixes without first removingthe previous ones from the installation. Do you want nLiteto remove the previous hotfixes to enable proper Slipsteaming ?"Click on Yes.
You can then select the service pack file you downloadedfrom Microsoft. Or, if you had already extracted the contentsof that file to a directory on your hard drive, e.g. C:\SP3, you could locate thei386\update\update.exe file within it.You can extract the contents of the XP Service Pack 3 fileto a directory named C:\SP3 using the commandwindowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe -x:c:\sp3.But you can just point nLite to the downloaded service packfile windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-enu.exe as well.
Or, if you have a CD writer in the system you are using tocreate the slipstreamed version of Windows, you can change the "mode" from "Create Image" to "Direct Burn" and then click on the Burn button to immediately burn the slipstreamed CD that will contain the operating system plus the service pack files.Note: until you insert a blank CD in the CD burner, the Burnbutton will be grayed out.
Windows 2000 can be deployed to a site via various methods. It can be installed onto servers via traditional media (such as CD) or via distribution folders that reside on a shared folder. Installations can be attended or unattended. During a manual installation, the administrator must specify configuration options. Unattended installations are scripted via an answer file, or a predefined script in the form of an INI file that has all the options filled in. An answer file can be created manually or using the graphical Setup manager. The Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe program then uses that answer file to automate the installation. Unattended installations can be performed via a bootable CD, using Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS), via the System Preparation Tool (Sysprep), via the Winnt32.exe program using the /syspart switch or via Remote Installation Services (RIS). The ability to slipstream a service pack into the original operating system setup files is also introduced in Windows 2000.[105] 2ff7e9595c